It really very easy to make popcorn. I referred to two websites:
Popcorn kernels: 1/2 cup
Oil: 1/4 cup
- Heat oil in a large saucepan. Add in 2 pieces of popping corn when the oil enough hot.
- Pour remaining popcorn kernels after the corn was popping.
- Cover with tight-fitting lid. Remove from the heat when kernels stop popping.
Butter 120g
Brown sugar 1/2 cup (can use white sugar, but the color will not become golden)
Honey 1 tablespon (tsp)
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
- Melt the butter in a saucepan.
- Add in brown sugar and honey.
- Stirring until all mixed well.
- When it boiled, cook 5 minutes without stirring.
- Lastly, add in baking powder. According to "twosisterscrafting" (, this can cause the caramel change color and foam up a bit. This will make caramel easy to coat on the popcorn.
I use plain sugar, so it cannot become golden color.
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